I didn't make hats for those participating in sig campaigns or those whose avatar I couldn't find a larger version of. If anybody else wants one, let me know (and if you could provide a larger version of your avatar, that would be awesome).
Thanks everyone for humouring me.
Wow! Those hats are totally awesome!
*THAT* is something I would be proud to finally wear as an avatar
May I get one in dark blue on the front and "nasa logo" (or lighter) blue on the sides? Please?
Maybe with this image in the center? https://wallpapersin4k.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/I-Am-Watching-You-Movie-Wallpapers.jpg
Not sure if that image is adequate I could search for a better one if it doesn't mix ok. Or maybe with that image black would be an appropiate colour for the hat? Whatever, you are the artist!
P.S.: Or maybe a crop of this other image:
Whatever fits good.
No problem! I hope to get a couple more done tonight but I have a few other-real-world errands to run first.
Great! No hurry... I have been "hatless" for so long that I can wait for it