Fake chart. Real unemployment doubled after 2008 and never went down. There is not a "next" financial crisis because the 2008 one never left in the first place. It's one big downward spiral while they rig DOW numbers to try and convince people it's not. In the end, they will be forced to remonetize metals as the unserviceable debt implodes everything. Or they will refuse, everything implodes anyway, then the free market does it naturally.
The free market is not going to choose any valueless, imaginary, digital ponzi schemes to replace the previous digital ponzi scheme that just imploded either. The market is going to take a flying leap back to the most ultra safest thing possible, and we all know what that is - physical metals.
My personal experience, while anecdotal, is contradictory. I'm the GM of a construction company. We've had a very hard time finding workers for the last several years. We've had to significantly boost our rates of pay and benefits to workers. Also, we've had so much work, that we've been having to turn projects away every year. All of our subcontractors, competitors, etc. who I've talked to are in the same boat.
Because like I've said a million times before, a debt based currency requires infinite growth to not implode. Since they know they can't generate any actual growth due to peak working age demographic and peak energy, they instead set interest rates to 0, then start preventing Mexicans and H1b from flooding the market with 3rd world slaves to suppress the wages.
Mexicans + H1b workers = DEFLATIONARY = if you do it long enough, banks collapse eventually.All of Trump's actions aren't some type of pro-white nationalist platform. Real "growth" and inflation are virtually the same thing in terms of preventing banks from collapsing. So all of his actions are nothing more than pro-bank and trying to keep the banks afloat by trying to stop deflation and cause inflation. Simply turning off the spigot of Mexicans and H1b is what you see in your field.
This is why there's a civil war amongst international Jewry aka the so-called "elite". Most of them want to flood white countries with 3rd worlders to destroy them, while others who benefit from usury banking want to enact policies to create inflation and keep banks afloat, and these policies just so happen to coincidentally be anti-white genocide.
The real prime mover of all this stuff is energy though. The fact all the low hanging fruit in oil was taken first and it's now headed towards thermodynamic collapse in extraction means no amount of paper rigging is going to create the 'infinite growth' needed to sustain the Jew banks. On paper, they could keep the debt based scam running forever by just tampering with inflation if energy was a constant, but it's not. If a change in the energy market invalidates the current business model of suburbs, long commutes, globalization, infinite growth, etc, then no amount of paper rigging can solve that and banks all die anyway.
Even if you're some type of evil, Jewish, Talmudic psychopath that wants it, globalization and global govt are 100% dead in the water and things are destined to become much more local.