I love how you all still have hope. It's refreshing.
I'd hope it all works out for you, but, well...
I don't believe you a bit
Gotta take his bullshit seemingly inopportune timed whining with a considerable grain of salt, and even consider the reverse psychology (or the fictitious) angle.
Fuck you, Jay. Not everybody is in a position to park his money sideways for the next three years.
P.S. Fuck you sideways.
it is quite likely that he is going to be back, buying back in, somewhere between the upper $20ks to the pre-$50k price range.
Sad, but true, that there are real-world folks out there like that.
You are the one who seems to be the moron. You have been participating in this thread for several years, supposedly under various user names, and you seem to be unable to figure out how to hedge your money in such a way in order to profit from a 78x price increase that happens to correct back down around 30x? that is going from $250 to $19k to $6,500.
I am not proclaiming to be an expert or that there is only one way to accomplish profits or that everyone can make a killing, but there should be ways to cause this kind of largely profitalbe situation to become somewhat manageable an reasonable for you, as long as you are not gambling and as long as you attempt to accumulate and HODL BTC rather than getting distracted by ongoing outbursts and emotions.
If you think that the odds are great for downwards BTC price movement(s) from here (after an already more than 70% price correction and still floating in around 67% correction territory), then you seem to be lame and lacking in creativity in terms of attempting to establish a modest way of long term investing rather than hoping to get rich within weeks or even months of making BIG gambling plays.
In other words, long term investing takes a lot of patience, tweaking and incrementalism and accumulation of BTC, and in the long term such a strategy that involves attempting to accumulate BTC, HODLing BTC and not investing more than you can afford to lose (including dollar cost averaging methods that tend to be solid for any investment in which you have long term bullish sentiment about the fundamentals) has very decent chances to pay off way better than any traditional investment(s), especially when investing in BTC.
BTC's history has already shown that and considerable upside potential still exists, in spite your whining that you seem to be inclined to attempt to do the opposite of what you should be doing by buying on the way up, likely investing more than you can afford to lose and selling on the way down, which seems to have decent chances of losing and causing resentment and emotional outbursts, such as the one you just made.
Sure, you could get lucky by selling now and buy back lower... but it is still a bad strategy, and it is necessary to tell you such when you are making such emotional outbursts on a public thread and especially for someone, like you, who seems to have been around this thread for a significant while through various user accounts.
Anyhow, you do whatever the fuck you want, because ultimately I try to help people to help themselves, including you and including some of the seeming joke emotional material you have historically provided, and attempt to provide information for the application of good principles and practices, yet each person has to be responsible for themselves and their own situation - and in the end, apply whatever s/he learns from quasi-anonymous threads with grains of salt, including taking responsibility for your own choices and whether you believe that your choices are helping you to accomplish what you need - which should be some portion of bitcoin in your investment portfolio, anywhere between 1% to 10% of your quasi-liquid investment or some other reasonable amount that is within your discretion and consideration of your financial situation, including cashflow and other investments, views on bitcoin, risk tolerance and timeline.
By the way, many of us are not sideways if we have already been in bitcoin for 3 years and might be planning another 3 years of sideways that may well still be UP from where we started. Even if you have been in only for a bit over a year, there are decent chances that sideways is still profitable, even if prices happen to remain flat for another 3 years, which may or may not happen.