I respect that the Bern was against the Federal Reserve. I don't fault him for having an expensive house like most people point out. He deserves the product of his labor.
But as for his democratic fascism...not a fan.
The free stuff talking point is nonsense.
Overall people are not seeking free stuff, but they do want to have dignity and work, and some kind of way to live in order to be able to provide for families.. pump out babies, raise families and enjoy their short time on earth.
Maybe "free stuff" is infrastructure that is needed that is not going to just happen by itself without community involvement (which is another way of saying government)? Yeah, of course, government becomes dominated by a small group of rich folks and corporations, so the peeps receiving the "free stuff" in actuality end up being BIG money that plays the system to their advantage, and the "free stuff" does not tend to get distributed broadly, as the claims are made that social benefits are draining the public coffers when in fact the ones sucking off the public tit the most tend to be well off already.