Fuck, that’s depressing. I work for myself so don’t have to put up with most of that crap, I do OK but I am not a rich man.
That meme is depressing AF though.
Hopefully those of us here who HODL at least 10-15 bitcoin’s won’t have to worry about money in the medium to long term future. $100,000 per coin would be very nice.
You are correct that 10-15 coins should serve as a pretty decent base stash of BTC into the future, and perhaps even a 5-10 year time line, 10-15 coins should hold a real decent value, perhaps $100k per does not seem unrealistic in that kind of 5-10 year time frame, if not sooner.
I have been considering another hypothetical way to get someone started in bitcoin.
Let's try to make some round and realistic numbers, and suggest that a person can reasonably (without stressing his/her finances) get a hold of $12k to invest in BTC in the next 8 months. Some of that would be coming from expected extra cash flow, and the other part from savings or moving over from other investments.
How would you invest?
My recommendation would be to divide it into 1/3rds ... and therefore, pretty much the 1st 1/3 = $4k would be invested more or less immediately, the 2nd 1/3 would be dollar cost averaged over the 8 months (therefore $500 per month - or even $125 per week), and the last 1/3 would be attempting to strategize and to buy on dips... The buying on dips might be the most complicated formula to work out, but perhaps having a plan to buy $500 if the price goes below $5700, and then in $500 increments, and if the price actually does dip lower and faster to tweak the plan from there so you never run out of money to buy on dips (AKA BTFDs). If the price goes up, instead of down, the plan to buy on dips can be tweaked too.. but there should always be a plan to NOT run out of "buy on dip" money.
After 8 months (or even perhaps 6 months) you can reassess the situation and decide whether to allocate more money to each of the categories or just to let your investment ride. Another concern would be what is your overall goal? Do you want to invest 1% or 10% or some other portion of your overall investment capital. I don't think that it is prudent to attempt to accomplish that goal in the first 8 month period, but perhaps achieving such goal in a second 8 month period seems reasonable... furthermore establishing and following an investment plan for 16months in bitcoin would like put you in the category of bitcoin OG at the end of such period.. while, hopefully you are studying the subject during your approximately 16month initial investment period (or some other period that reasonably fits your personal style, finances and life circumstances.