myself also still whitout children BUT i do think 50k coins are there in the near future "few years to be near future...." if its faster its all good but @50K i will not liquidate all of my coins .... i think i would max sell 30% or so then see how everything goes
At $50,000 I’ll probably sell about half & live off the rest, maybe buy a bunch of real estate so there’s constant money still coming in.
Thats a good explanation of why it'll never goto 50,000 then really. In dollar terms, maybe USD does so horribly we can see that number but in value terms the only need for 50k is via the actual utility of BTC being so high that people are willing to hold it overnight and then you have a billion doing so the price is raised inadvertently.
Real estate is very likely more productive for most people and many dont have much spare cash so why is the price going to 50k in that scenario. Money is more useful in transit but long term you'd need a good reason to push it that high I think.
BTC is depressed right now because US Dollar strength is apparent. Its nonsense of course but all this tariff and Iran sanctions and so on gives the appearance of strong dollar. So in terms of running a constant deficit and juggling 20tn of debt this does not work out for the FED or US treasury, it is unlikely to continue as a long term dynamic. Almost completely obvious is that inflation is always going to be above interest rates, so allowing the reduction of debt in real terms and that means weak dollar. The free market naturally searches for an alternative to a common standard unable to hold its value, if that wasnt true we'd be in 3 figures still. Many consider strong dollar a possibility when market consensus turns opposite it should then be far less harsh an environment overall
^lol Torque soo cynical
Torque is right, governments main purpose is to be better then the negative scenario it replaces. By itself government is not productive, its not part of growth, theres no profit and its literally a tax upon the economy and people its sitting on. Main thing we can hope for is governance of the military which no other entity can control except this idea of democracy and the benefit of having everyone situated like this is they accept the title of public servant and when told immediately step down which avoids the problem any country with a strong military normally has.
Really all government does is in its distribution of power and avoidance of harm, otherwise they operate poorly and with great cost compared to any normal competitive consideration.
We need competitive capitalism and we dont have it, we got forced pricing in interest rates and politics instead of business. For now most of that politics is related to democracy but I dont suppose we always get that. That story is pretty much the biggest global issue I can think of ongoing every year maybe for the rest of my life until it falls over. Even if crypto disappeared and was found to be of no use, we'd still be stuck with that problem of a failed currency system with countries occasionally reverting to near barter economies and suffering great losses in growth and efficiency.