The Russian Foreign Ministry has started a social media campaign to free Russian spy and guns rights activist Maria Butina. I look forward to the alt-right claiming she is being unfairly detained in coming days. Gay frogs guy will want a piece of this.
If we are lucky, we might get President Trump to order her release back to Moscow when Putin makes him an offer he can’t refuse.
Dunno why alt righters or anyone else would care? A spy has no genitals.
Maria Butina had a laptop which was seized by the FBI. On the laptop is her FSB (Russian secret service) email address and orders from her FSB boss.
She had been sleeping with Republican officials, mostly aged over 60. In the indictment she promised an unnamed American official sex for being appointed to a job.
Maria was born a peasant in Siberia. She lived in a modest rented house in the US and rented a U-Haul to move her belongings. She also paid $30 million dollars to the NRA. That $30 million dollars was then donated by the NRA to the Trump campaign.
When Maria was arrested, on the same day, the Treasury Department announced that the NRA would not longer be required to reveal its donors. This was 4 days ago.
Now the Russian Foreign Ministry is starting a social media campaign to free Maria. The NRA has stayed silent but it cannot for long. They need a coordinated action to make this look like a deep state conspiracy. Needless to say, it looks bad that the Trump campaign was directly funded by the Russian secret service.
I predict soon NRA supporters and gay frogs guy and others will be saying that the FBI is trying to start World War 3 with Russia and that the FBI has gone rogue by arresting Maria. Let us wait and see.
The Russian Foreign Ministry has already said that her arrest is an attempt to undermine the Trump / Putin summit. Russian propaganda tweet below:
Until then here is another nice photo of Maria, the honey pot Russian spy.