You can't go anywhere without paying the taxes on the gas.
You think people in north korea would say that americans are unfree because we have to pay taxes on gas? Sure I guess we are less free than if we didn't but if we were to make a scale and put three points on it "almost totally impossable to even own a car" is all the way on the left, "I have to pay 3% tax on the gas that I put in my car" is somewhere in the middle, and "I can buy a car and put gas in it and don't have to pay any tax on the gas" is all the way on the right. I would say that the middle one is something like 9/10ths of the way towards the right side. This whole principled approach of "if I have to pay even a penny than i'm not free" isn't that useful here. To someone who truly doesn't have freedom to travel your complaint that you aren't free because you have to pay a small gas tax would look vulgar in the best light.
You can't leave the country if you owe the IRS.
Sure you can. Hop on a boat and go out into international waters. No one will stop you. The united states government simply won't give you a passport. You are still free to go into any country anywhere in the world that will let you enter without a passport. The fact that none of those exist isn't the united states government's fault. A passport is like insurance. It says that we verify this person is safe to travel and if he does cause any trouble in your country we will pay to clean up the mess. All they are doing when you don't pay taxes is refusing to act as your guarantor when you travel abroad. You can debate about whether that is right or wrong, that is a separate issue, first you have to make sure you are stating the true nature of things and the way you worded it was extremely misleading.
You can't hit the highway with a stash of cash in the car without risking the cash and everything else being confiscated.
Yea that's some bullshit isn't it. Definite marks against freedom there. That alone though doesn't flip a binary switch between freedom and tyranny. It just means we are some amount less free than we would be otherwise.
Try saying those naughty words on Twitter, Facebook and co., let alone to someone's face.
I have never felt the need to make a Twitter or a Facebook. No loss of freedom for me personally there. As far as in person, I say words like that in person sometimes. If you are spending time around people that you can't speak freely in front of than perhaps you should reconsider who you are choosing to spend your time with. Like I said earlier freedom is largely a choice. I choose to have cryptocurrencies instead of bank deposits. I choose to live in the woods instead of a suburb. Well I also chose my acquaintances in such a was as to maximize freedom.
You can't communicate or research your trip without it being logged and recorded. Your computer is a 2-way open sewer.
Try starting a business without permissions. Try not collecting the associated taxes from your employees.
So it's fine if you're a statist cuck with no ambition. But it's no place for a sovereign individual.
So it's not perfect. Of course it isn't perfect. Of course I hate all of those things too. Of course I wish we didn't have those limits on our freedom. The point I was trying to make is that freedom vs servitude come more from the inside than the outside. You can choose to live the life of a free person and be ten times more free than someone else living in the exact same society under the exact same regimes. You can choose to bask in the freedoms that you have and the freedoms that you make for yourself or to focus on and be resentful for the freedoms that you lack. All the time you spend lamenting the freedoms that you lack is time that you aren't spending building a freer life for yourself. I just find complaining about a 3% gas tax or the fact that there is an outside possibility that you will be robbed if you are carrying massive amounts of cash on the road to be counter productive.