There's no such thing as capitalism if you have a central bank. The central bank and it's insiders can move the economy in any direction they choose by doing things like manipulating interest rates, then front run their own manipulation to siphon off every dime on the planet. There's a reason having a central bank is one of the main tenets of communism.
In case you're unable to figure it out, the only purpose of communism is to centralize all wealth and power so a small cabal can then steal it all, or simply rule over the peons as kings. Anytime you see a Jew promoting communism, all it is is the Jews trying to trick people into handing over the keys and resources of their civilization over to their evil cult. This is why criticizing Jewry was punishable by death in Russia...because they were the ones running communism for the benefit of the top members of organized Jewry while the other 99.9% of civilization suffered.