Story of Being Tortured in Prison. Roger Ver, CEO of
This is a brief story of what happened while I was in prison. I have more stories to share, if you enjoy this type of content.
Can't a few hundred millions afford a place (or hotel or whatever) with less horrible curtains? Really shocking.
P.S.: Interesting story though.
I will admit that Roger is a decent story teller; however, he does not really seem to understand the concept of "torture."
On the other hand, even if he can show that he has various human characteristics and he is empathetic, a lot of this can end up being a distraction (and an appeal to emotion) that takes us away from considering the narcissism that seems to motivate his ongoing involvement in bcash and using bcash as an ongoing attack on bitcoin and deceiving other people (especially dumb people and newbies.. and probably even traps some smarter people into such deceptions in their hopes that bcash will pump relative to bitcoin if they realize the difference) into believing that bcash is some kind of "bitcoin"
Starts off "I am roger ver CEO of" do websites have CEO's? or is he pretending to be important in bitcoin.
Lost my sympathy closed window minutes later, f off loser liar
I feel sorry for roger, been a lot of pressure on him, unsure if it is self inflicted though.
All I got out of that was
Blah, Federal, Blah, Federal, Federal, Blah Blaaaaahhhhh I was brainwashed its not my fault.
Please stay away from the door knob
Gary Davis call bullshit (Roger Ver - A forum to discuss things on the internet), is that all it was.
Yeah Ok roger just fireworks hey
I ran for California state assembly in 2000
Memory Dealer Re: [ANN] Bitcoin Foundation
28-09-2012, 04:52:02
In reality, I ran for California state assembly in 2000 as a Libertarian / Voluntarist.
I said enough to upset the feds so much that I became the only person in the USA to be prosecuted for selling a legal product
that was also being sold by hundreds of other companies across the USA including is no freedom of speech.
This is why the world needs Bitcoin, and this is why I support
Yeah Ok
Not that the most decentralized blockchain is the real bitcoin
The one that holds all the illegal transactions from Silk Road
the one that can incriminate some very very big people
Leave the real blockchain alone, gotta catch the criminals (do not protect them)
He wants to hide the truth, the real blockchain
watch the market move see if this news hits home
crims around the world keep putting their foot in it
so many arrests, resignations, suicides, they are panicking, something big coming for them all
so weird a world we live in now, the good winning