Now that I've freed up some sixty hours per week, I might have not only inclination but also time to follow up on some of these areas of inquiry.
Congrats on achieving your extra time, jbreher, and sounds as if you largely accomplished such on your own terms. Hopefully, your freed up time will move you a bit away from bcash shilling and/or bitcoin bashing to result in more meaningful contributions here.. to the extent that you continue to spend time here.
Let us pray.
Edited: Added response.
%43 btc dominance
Well, at least we get a silver lining.
"we" ?
Are you one of the described "we", jbreher?
Of course. If you don't know I have significant holdings of BTC, you haven't been paying attention.
Holding and trading BTC is one thing, but psychologically identifying as one of the "bitcoin in-group folks" - especially while simultaneously supporting BTC attack vectors (such as Bcash and whatever other BIG blocker nutjob talking point flavor of the month) seems to be a bit of a different animal and seems a lot more difficult to fit into "we" camp..
Whatevs. BCH is not an attack vector.
Yes. Surely, you and I are starting out with differing starting perspectives. You have tended to want to read some kind of free market "all is fair in love and war" acceptance of various BIG blocker attempts to undermine bitcoin.. and to recognize those supposed avenues to keep bitcoin in check as reasonable.
I just don't see it that way.. nor the ethics of attacking to be a fair and honest pursuit of ones vision. surely, there can be academic ways to recognize the two sides of war, but I don't recognize a lot of the tactics of either bcashers or BIG blockers to fit within those fair and honest adversary. Sure, there are likely some good and decent people within the movements, but I find it reprehensible for folks to be supporting people like Roger Ver and Craig Wright. Takes only a small amount of time to notice that each of those goofballs is 1) full of shit, 2) disingenuous, 3) an obsessed and emotional narcisist and likely some other negative descriptors that escape me at this moment. Surely, bcash and BIG blockers are not just composed of nutjobs like Roger and Craig, but still they seem to be somewhat idolized by the BIG blocker and bcash community.
It is a Bitcoin-in-the-wings, awaiting the day that the masses realize that its fundamentals are better than BTC's.
You cannot give up on your bcash is bitcoin vision, and even though theoretically, i can accept that some projects could start out as scams and then progress into something meaningful, and even while bcash started out as a scam, the passage of time does not seem to be legitimizing it with any kind of legitimacy.. especially when it still seems to be engaged with deceptive practices that try to trick peeps into believing that it is "the real" bitcoin. Hard to go along with that as legitimate or to consider it as anything other than a bitcoin attack vector.
BTC zigged, BCH zagged. Neither are satoshi's immutable protocol (haha - nod to Shelby). I prefer the zag - that's all.
Get the fuck out of here with that attempt at equivalency nonsense.
Bitcoin has the community and the networking effects. Bcash does not even come close to serving as "the real" bitcoin.