You seem to be full of shit, anunymint and trying to lord over your supposed technical/mathematical skills to spread doom and gloom FUD.
That’s what the deluded always say. Drugs addicts protest. Hashfast scam investors protested. Etc. Facts are facts. Everyone who holds non-legacy addresses will lose all their real Bitcoin and will end up only with Core nonsense scam tokens.
The only deluded one seems to be you.
Sorry but you are factually incorrect.
When you are speculating about the future, by definition that cannot be facts... it is speculation about a future state of affairs.
Most people who provide a meaningful speculation about the future will provide the basis for their prediction... the basis can be based on facts and logic.. and hopefully those facts and logic help to describe how the future will come about from our history, current state and future direction. If you do not provide a reasonable basis, then you are saying random shit and doing no more than setting forth what you believe to be based on a kind of fantasy.
I provided it in great detail. Do you need
the link again for the nth time?
If you do not bother to read the threads I linked to and wish to remain deluded, that is your prerogative because it doesn’t change the facts that have been explained at
that link.
It’s not a personal thing. I like you guys.
Of course, none of us know each other.. so none of this should be considered personal, and I doubt anyone who is reasonable is taking it personally. So, you are getting into irrelevance by going down this path in order to clarify your supposedly pure motives.
You're mighty presumptive. How do you know who I know here? I actually do know some of the guys here at least for example I know the true identity of some of the folks here and have traded more personalized private messages with them.
Also in general what I mean is that I don’t think most of the guys here are paid Core trolls. Rather I just think they are guys who have lost Bitcoin in the past to scams and will continue to do so, because they are gullible. You apparently are included in that classification. You’re presumptive error above and refusal to read the facts and then claim no facts have been presented is indicative of being irrationally addicted to a position.
I don’t have a fight to pick with y’all. Do what ever you want. I will STFU about this matter. Just remember I warned you.
Probably, better if you just shut the fuck up and get the fuck out of here. Few people in this thread appreciate your non-substantiated bullshit, except perhaps some of the trolls and shills might consider your bullshit to be helpful to their misleading, distracting and FUD spreading attempts in this thread.
There’s no FUD. I stated facts and backed them up with
a link to the facts.
I was going to STFU, but you decided to attack me with incorrect allegations. Accusing me of making claims which are not heavily substantiated. Sheesh man, can’t you fucking read?
Long story short, you seem to be buying into nonsense. I have no problem with the idea of keeping your coins in various location, just in case, but seems like a lack of prudence to base your life on the bunch of nonsense speculative scenarios of FUD spreaders that have low chances of playing out anywhere near their doom and gloom projects... furthermore, your behavior seems to play into their ill-intended and devilish hands.
You really want to believe in your drug.
Get the fuck out of here with your attempts to characterize me as being delusional, when you remain the one who is engaging in what appears to be purposeful efforts to mislead and to fail/refuse to put forth reasonable evidence and logic to back up your pie in the sky assertions.
I stand by my characterization of you. Again you ostensibly have not even read
the link which was provided to you several times.
But when I say we are headed into a Mini-Ice age, there is undeniable science making that claim a fact.
You are not saying anything new here... just asserting nostradamus-like woo woo.
There you go again making incredibly stupid and incorrect claims. Exemplifying you have not read
the link.
Ditto what I have written about Core.
Ditto you have said nothing, you ditto head.
There is a battle going on, and you are not going to reach any kind of meaningful state of stability during a battle that needs a quite a bit of time to play out (and with BIG players, too, attempting to win hearts, minds and finances).
There is not going to be any winning of hearts or political nonsense. There will simply be the removal of real Bitcoin by those who forked off from the hands of those who fork off because they decided they do not want real Bitcoin.
No factual or logical basis for your stupid-ass assertion.
They were fooled by some drug which promised some nebulous future scalability which isn’t scalability and is actually fractional reserve banking as has already been explained up-thread.
Your assertions have not been explained with anything even close to approaching adequacy..
Bitcoin exists to destroy everyone who believes in politics. Core is 100% politics. That is why you must tell everyone here that there is no chance that the real Bitcoin will ever force Core to fork off.
You are providing confusing frameworks about who is who... so seems like you are purposefully attempting to mislead, hoping that peeps buy into your purposefully confusing amorphous, titillating and generalizing framework.
You seem highly confused. Reading and comprehending in entirety what is at the link which was provided for you might help, presuming you have the IQ and emotional maturity for assimilating the information at the link.Because you’re relying on politics to save you.
NOT. There is math and logic in bitcoin that was started through the whitepaper and carried out through a practice system that has caused decentralized and secure incentives, while allowing players to pursue their own self-interests and the network anticipates that individuals will engage in attacks and distrustful behavior but the system will still be secure based on built-in incentives.
You try to say that we are relying on something that we are not ("politics"), so what you are saying makes no sense... and misleads regarding what is really going on.
You are extremely confused. I explain at the link why Core can only succeed to destroy the real Bitcoin if we presume that the dumb masses are the economic majority. Which is impossible because I even cited research which shows that the top 1% control 34% of the wealth and the top 20% control 80% of the wealth. And the wealth is likely to be even more concentrated in Bitcoin. I already alluded to this up-thread wherein I stated more succinctly that the power-law distribution of wealth is a thing.You’re relying on fooling the n00bs into using wallets that by default put them on the Core fork without informing them about the true risks and reduction of their security.
People can do whatever the fuck they want, and in the end, they are going to recognize value of bitcoin, including using variations of the latest and greatest of segwit, lightning network, on chain or any other combination of on-chain / off chain that makes them comfortable for their own situation and circumstances.
The value that the wealthy want is to not lose their wealth!
The real Bitcoin is primarily a store-of-value that can’t be fucked with by politically clusterfucked nation-states.
Unlike gold which they can confiscate at every border crossing.
SegWit, Lightening quicksand, and all the politically clusterfucked shit is just more of the same scams of the deluded Westerners. Westerners have become scammers. It is sad.Furthermore, little by little value migrates over to bitcoin (and gresham's law describes theoretical dynamics) because bitcoin (including its ongoing developments and progress) continues to be the most sound of money/assets with a variety of appealing utility (and ongoing developed use cases) too.
Bunny rabbits do not decide the outcome. $billionaires, Schelling points, and maximum security do.
Yes, Schelling points are important, so it could take time to unravel all of these developments and migration of people and use cases.. but in the end, you are going to be best off keeping a decent stake into bitcoin rather than becoming scared overbullshit and baseless speculation as you, anunymint, would like peeps to feel.
Correct! And that is real Bitcoin, not this Core scam altcoin shit.and not make your self another clown in here. I can smell your stink. You need glade too?