Like a three pronged attack on bitcoin
How events unfolded in the disappearance of satoshi
1) Wikileaks exposes bitcoin (Scares the shit out of Satoshi)
2) Bruce Wagner tells the newspapers its Satoshi
3) Satoshi runs
4) Gavin Adreeesseennnn dicusses bitcoin whitepaper with CIA
5) Bitcoin gets attacked non stop even ongoing today
Why is Bitcoin so dangerous?
First ever block exposes 2 things
1) The theory of everything
2) 500000 bitcoin on hold can be used to create a new currency reserve
The framing of your ideas expressed in this last part are a bit unclear to me.... because I agree that there are a lot of things going on in bitcoin, but it seems to me that there is even more going on and other logical connections that you have not captured in your above attempt.
..."that there is even more going on and other logical connections that you have not captured in your above attempt."....
That is the correct question!Fill in the blanks (More to add, a lot of resources)
1) Wikileaks exposes bitcoin (Scares the shit out of Satoshi) last page of posts reflect hurriedly handing bitcoin off to Gavin thread on bitcoin being exposed
Basically, bring it on. Let's encourage Wikileaks to use Bitcoins and I'm willing to face any risk or fallout from that act.
No, don't "bring it on".
The project needs to grow gradually so the software can be strengthened along the way.
I make this appeal to WikiLeaks not to try to use Bitcoin. Bitcoin is a small beta community in its infancy. You would not stand to get more than pocket change, and the heat you would bring would likely destroy us at this stage.
2) Bruce Wagner tells the newspapers its Satoshi
[email protected]> author of )
I appreciate PC World finally doing an article about the most revolutionary and amazing new technology of the 21st Century so far --- Bitcoin.
However, this really is lazy journalism.
The article implies that Bitcoin was invented as a RESULT of Wikileaks troubles... as sort of an altrernate SOLUTION to Wikileaks donation funding troubles.
That is NOT TRUE.
The truth is: Most " Forum" members want no association with Wikileaks whatsoever.
The Creator of Bitcoin, Satoshi, has even made a public plea to Wikileaks NOT to accept donations via Bitcoin.
The truth is quite the opposite from the impression that this story leaves.
Most in the Bitcoin Community do NOT want Bitcoin to be associated with Wikileaks in any way.
Bruce Wagner
New York City
+1 646-580-0022 3) Satoshi runs
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Re: Gavin will visit the CIA
28-04-2011, 07:59:08
+Merit #17
This is a bad idea and gives me uneasy feeling
But I guess if Bitcoin is going to survive, it will have to go through it. Although, if you declined their offer, it would most probably delayed any action against bitcoin
Edit: and by reading satoshi's post I get the same feeling, that he wanted to keep bitcoin under the radar for as long as possible.
???What satoshi post - this is after satoshi left on the Last Active: 14-12-2010, 02:45:41
I didn't know this topic still came up, are people still looking for him? He is not dead, but he does like his privacy.
4) Gavin Adreeesseennnn dicusses bitcoin whitepaper with CIA 28-04-2011, 05:00:26 want to get this out in the open because it is the kind of thing that will generate conspiracy theories: I'm going to give a presentation about Bitcoin at CIA headquarters in June at an emerging technologies conference for the US intelligence community.
5) Bitcoin gets attacked non stop even ongoing today
Why is Bitcoin so dangerous?
First ever block exposes 2 things
1) The theory of everything
2) 500000 bitcoin on hold can be used to create a new currency reserve