Bullshit statement. Gold and silver are NOT "money of last resort". Physical commodity currency is the only real money that exists. It just so happens scams that do not represent any type of real world goods or wealth such as fiat and bitcoin have seemingly positive traits like less friction (i.e. the ability to transfer imaginary 0's and 1's around faster). But you're not actually sending any type of wealth, it's just a meaningless ledger that says: I have 999 units of imaginary, valueless garbage in my account and you have 0 units, so you are now my slave and must do my bidding.
Except your imaginary digital units have no valid Schelling point because it's based on artificial scarcity and anyone can create a new shitcoin to bypass you. So no, nobody is ever going to be your slave while using fake money based on artificial scarcity unless you can also enforce that zero sum game slavery ledger with violence on top of it.
The only way you're going to enslave anyone by having more arbitrary chits in your account than them without using violence to prevent them from bypassing your ledger is by using a real world good with intrinsic value that people actually need and they cannot bypass. You know, like hoarding all the physical silver as hostage and forcing them to pay ransom to get it.
Did you understand the statement "international asset"?
What you think what is "a real world good with intrinsic value"?
BTW why would you enslave anyone?
You don't seem to get it do you? Money is a zero sum game of enslavement. All forms of money are ledgers where the haves enslave the have-nots. I explained it thoroughly in my post. The only difference is that some forms of these ledgers like fiat require violence to force people to use them or it falls apart because...people refuse to use it.
Bitcoin has the same problem. If you have 20.9 million shitcoins and I only own 1 shitcoin, I'm definitely not going to volunteer to be your slave because you have more imaginary, valueless tokens than me (which is why you constantly see people boycotting things like Darkcoin and it's masternode owners). I would simply bypass your system and refuse to use it, either by making my own shitcoin or just using something else. The only way you could stop me is violence.
This is why any system of money based on artificial scarcity is garbage. They're all easily bypassed without a monopoly of violence forcing people to use them. If I hoard all the physical silver in the world, you cannot simply bypass me, and me having 999 units of silver and you having 0 units actually does make you my slave (unless you plan to go back to hunter gatherer civilization). As you may have guessed by now, it's easier to enslave other people using silver than gold because gold has far less intrinsic value/use case. The bankers are currently playing the wrong side of the fundamentals game there, which will inevitably revert with silver importance drastically increasing compared to gold.