In view of a possible -and extended- cryptographic winter, and the comments and advice that have emerged here about stocking up with enough to withstand the winter, I have the following question arises... how much is enough to live on for a year (mainly considering housing, food , and basic services) in their respective contexts? Other places in the world?
I live in Latin America, and I would say that with 10,000 dollars (or even less) one can live comfortably for a year (taking into account that I am young, I live alone, and I consider myself a minimalist person).
I thank you in advance for your answers.
I am currently in Thailand. The 3 bedroom house I'm staying at costs $400 per month in rent. Shared with roomates you could be spending $200 for all of your living expenses and then food would be about another $1-200 per month.
Cambodia and Vietnam are even cheaper.
I will be going back to Tahiti next week. My rent is around $1300 per month in a house shared with 4 people. Food is incredibly expensive. I usually don't pay attention to prices for food since I don't spend money on hardly anything else so I am willing to spend on the best quality of food. But I glanced at a receipt after going to the store one day and saw that I paid like $20 for a pack of 4 chicken breasts (big organic ones, but still). In the US I usually buy packs of chicken because chicken is so cheap. So I'm definitely spending at least $2k per month there. That's not counting car and expensive gas...I'll likely buy a scooter when I get back.