Small pump hell yeah!
woooh, going for it, wish me luck!!!
Why wish you luck? Has this become a gambling thread, now?
You come off as an attention seeking troll that is preparing to come back to the thread and to whine about all the money you supposedly lost from having had entered a leverage long and mortgaging your house based on your emotions.
JJG, I like your investing approach. Been reading your words now for awhile, much love. I just feel I have a beet of a neeche to geet in.
Win me over with flattery... ..
I am so embarrassing...
There is nothing wrong with taking a bit of a heavier "in" position based on feelings about the direction of BTC price... So, for example, sometimes you can overbuy BTC for a little while if the price is going down with plans to even out your risk (by selling) when the price goes back up. That kind of overbuying bet can be made in a reasonable way.
The same is true for when BTC price are going up. You can sell a bit more than you would otherwise sell, out of anticipation that the BTC price is going to reverse at some soon point.
No matter which direction you are playing the price, I would suggest to NOT go 100% with your overbetting, just in case you are wrong about the impending reversal.
In essence, I am not going to quibble with you or your strategy if you are engaging in a form of front loading and anticipating the price direction, but if you hoping for luck with a kind of gambling, those kinds of tactics are more difficult to manage and takes a while to build skills to bet based on reason and logic rather than pure faith (or luck as you mentioned).
JJG, kind of curious, what kind of car do you drives?
Your question does not seem to be very relevant to any particular recent topic involving me in this thread.
I suppose you want to know whether I enjoy life, or whether I have an ability to live well or whether I actually have any luxuries in my life or something like that?
I think that many times, I have mentioned that I was fairly well off, already, before getting into bitcoin... At least, I hav investments besides bitcoin, and I think about my investment into bitcoin as side money rather than money that I already have for regular living.
Anyhow, several times, I have mentioned that one of my early motivating reasons for getting into bitcoin was to attempt to increase the portability of my value, and I continue to have that goal.
I have also disclosed that I have ownership in a business that has been tying me down geographically (making me less portable) that I am likely going to be liquidating several aspects of my business this calendar year, even though I will likely continue to have some lingering obligations associated with my business after this calendar year.
So, since I have been somewhat more tied down, geographically, than I prefer, I have maintained a decently nice car that has lots of bells and whistles and I bought my car by choice a few years back (before getting into bitcoin...)... I have not bought any new car(s) recently, and I don't find any compelling need or desire to buy any other car(s) because my goal is not to tie myself down more, but rather to free myself, somewhat in the coming years. Cars and other material items can tie peeps down, and perhaps one of the disadvantages to PMs (besides the fact that they are likely not going to perform as well as bitcoin in the coming years - sorry about that PM bugs - pun intended).
Are you also wondering what kind of car I could afford to drive? As compared with whiny Blawb? Seems a bit of a childish approach to figuring someone out by what possessions they have or aspire to have - although through the years, the wall observer thread has had several peeps posting in this thread who seem to want to attempt to highlight some aspects of their lifestyle by describing some of their stuffs... , which is not necessarily a bad thing, if some peeps want to show those kinds of material possession details.
Sometimes, the material possession details rise to the level of cashing out part of their bitcoin to show the poster as a bitcoin bear or as a person who values short-term fiat representations rather than recognizing bitcoin's investment potential. On the other hand, in bitcoin, if you play your cards well, you can cash out bitcoins, and lock in profits and still maintain a decent BTC stash, which also happens with folks who attempt to approach their BTC investment with longer term foresight.