I don't see what is controversial about my statement... which part of my statement is controversial?
my doubting of the moon landing or my confidence that the earth is not flat?
doubting the moon landing...seriously, that shit is cray
Perhaps it is better that we forget about it. What a phenomenal waste of money, time and talent. NASA would have been better off, and gathered much more useful science by sending umpteen unmanned missions instead. I feel the exact same way about NASA's current project on sending a manned mission to Mars.
It's all to play to the people. Shaking funds out of social projects takes political will that most of the lobbyist bought puppets don't have so in order to change the flow of the money from being diverted to their assigned agenda (Big Pharma, Insurance...) the people have to give something up and to sell that the people have to have a dream. People don't care about probes or rovers, they want to high five each other when a man steps foot on Mars.
I find way more probability that the moon landing and some of that crap about men going to the moon to be a lot less likely to be true than the nonsense that is spouted out about the earth being flat...
Oh my fucking god
you've got to be shitting me dude....
I don't see what is controversial about my statement... which part of my statement is controversial?
my doubting of the moon landing or my confidence that the earth is not flat?
Oh I c what u did there. Different times words mean different things. When I grew up and still when I/we (my peers) say fags we mean pansies as in no balls. I couldn't care less if you hump a log or a furry.
For me it was always about people acting in a manner that draws attention to themselves that they ought to be embarrassed about, but of course arent, because they were after all trying to draw attention to it. Southpark had it right when they said that people on loud motorcycles are fags, or more traditionally but also appropriate people who act flamboyant, or those people who wear spandex when they ride a bike or people who's cars bounce or make loud booms, those stupid eye lashes on cars, people with a "popped" collar or those stupid hats that have the bill perfectly flat and a sticker still on them from a store in the mall called "lidz". Anything that is intended to draw attention and once it does draw your attention you are like, jesus h christ I wish I never been coerced into realizing that you existed.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K2k4Fsg11-wCorrect, the word is not universal and can be used or misconstrued. When I grew up it was used to rally people to get off their buts and not be fags (as in pansies, afraid to stand up for themselves). I enjoyed that episode. I also can be called a fag in the context of that episode.
the irony.
Something that sets me apart from the average arm chair general is that I get off my ass and put my own neck on the line when I see injustice, but I won't do it when I don't think those reaping the benefits of my efforts are worth that effort. I've had the heavy hand of the state depressed on my neck for standing up for whats right and its a thankless job. It really is easier to watch the sheeple become shackled.
All the jew hating on here..my /ignore list is filling up!
It is all so 'silly' and such a 'generalization' to blame a group for whatever reason....
it's a money thing..those that have and those that do not...money and power concentrate...at least in uncontrolled 'crony capitalism' of the
18th century and standard oil and the Rockefellers etc....seems it is doing so quite rapidly again this decade as well...there will be backlash IMHO,
as it has 'swung' too far ..but we will see...
money has no religion ...it is all about 'power' over others to your advantage.
any other theory is just silly
In this day and age you would think that was a given.
Consider why the jews have been kicked out of 300 different areas in the world over the past few thousand years. What is it that makes everyone hate them. I'm sure you have an answer to share with the class, given how silly the whole thing is. There surely must be a simple and entirely rational answer.
At what point do you stop holding the past against an entire people? Is forever your answer?
I like the famous anecdote about the US's phenomenal talent of wasting money. NASA engineers spent millions of dollar trying to develop a pen that could write in space, or so the story goes. Meanwhile, the soviets used pencils.
I've heard that for years as well. I recently read this about it.
https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/the-write-stuff/Why didn't they use crayons? What about grease pencils which I think is type of crayon?