Monero will be at "100%" in May 2022 after which a 0,87% tail emission commences indefinitely. Slightly better than gold and better than Dogecoin
Yes, because as we all know, once a PoW coin's block reward reaches zero, the tooth fairy casts a spell on it to turn it into "better than gold". That's why there is not a single dead PoW altcoin so far and only 2000 new forms of gold!!!
...just kidding, all PoW coins function as Ponzi schemes in practice
because the block reward subsidizes transaction fees and once it ceases, people all simply switch over to a different chain that still has a block reward running in order to keep the subsidy and not pay $500 per transaction.
Sorry had to quote this one. This proves that you're an idiot r0ach, as no miners are going to switch over to a dead coin that no one is buying or transacting with. So you think that zombie coins buy themselves now?
Your comment makes zero sense. Go back to the drawing board; you have it completely backwards. A PoW coin with no block reward subsidy IS A DEAD coin because transactions are no longer subsidized and lower overhead alternatives then mop the floor with it either in the form of:
A) A different PoW coin with block subsidy still running
B) Some other consensus algo with less overhead like proof of shit
Normally PoS wouldn't be able to win if PoW actually worked as advertised, but it doesn't. It's just centralized vs centralized. Also, you nooblords in this thread don't seem to understand adversarial mining works better the lower the block reward goes, which probably also blows up PoW in the end.
So the real endgame is that PoW is not sustainable because there is no valid Schelling point to force everyone to use the same PoW chain, and even though PoW is designed to completely centralize, it manages to fool enough uneducated people for the time being to not go to zero. But proof of stake is a more obvious interest-based, slumlord usury scam, and probably wouldn't tread water for long should there be an exodus from PoW.
There is no future in any of this garbage and silver and gold will destroy them in the end because they're all centralized with no fundamentals. The only real application for cryptocurrency is federated chains, but nobody would want to use that as a store of wealth over physical metals. Take a wild guess who does want to use federated chains, though? The govt to enslave you.