My respects to anyone whose work is about creating real value and developing the economy. Then you must also see this (crypto) as a fun game and not take things overly serious
Goes against the grain here but I have always said for me personally I use crypto for short term gains then plough the profits into gold for the mid to long term.
In the future I see crypto being banned with state issued and controlled crypto being the legal alternative.
Most will disagree but no one has a crytal ball and time will tell.
I see that in the end, crypto won't go out with a bang, but with a whimper. People will just start to realize it more, that it isn't a miracle cure to anything. BTC will probably go first, because it actually tries to be a currency without any value stabilization mechanism. The newer generations will last longer, but again, people will see that they are just ineffective databases. But I don't have a crystal ball either, unexpected and strange things could happen.
Our investment logic and love of toys express itself a little differently. I get very anxious when I see money sitting still on something. I need to see it constantly moving and giving people a chance to create more value. For my lust of speed, I love cars that aren't legal to drive on the road and that are as light and mean as they can be. To fuel my vanity, I love mostly cars that are at least 40 years old