And also capitalism is not the reason we have the internet.
Say thanks to nuclear warfare.
The Dems response was that Bitcoin is/was "too Libertarian" and based on "Ayn Rand Schtick".
And yet not one liberal Bitcoin proponent in their camp batted an eye at that condescending Globalist posturing.
They can rightly go fk off.
DEMS - My free trade and open borders
sounds like a Zionists wet dream
dont know why the globalists agenda aligned with zionists (they certainly aware of each other)
Human culture moves in a cycle. It starts at the bottom, a nation of no importance that suddenly and inexplicably grows richer and more powerful. The romans being the best known example, they expanded from their homeland and took over most of the known world.
After the expansion of power, the people flourish. Trade and education grows among the people until everyone is free, healthy and as relatively happy as humans can ever be.
Then decadence sets in. People become lazy, weak, hedonistic, the economy collapses and a lot of people die, either to famine or pestilence or war - death in whatever cloak.
And then the cycle repeats. Ascendance, a short golden age, then decline.
During the ascent the culture is mostly homogeneous. Not only same culture, but same ethnicity. After the peak when the decline sets in, it becomes multiculturalistic and multiethnic. Jews have no land of their own so they require a host culture to live in, and only declining cultures allow multiculturalism. That's why jews always push for leftist policy and ideology. It is literally a matter of survival for them, and lefties in the host cultures - traitors - always invite in the enemy.