Mega doom. The rodent-like Jews attacking the video game industry for not embracing full blown Marxism:
That is a battle ground upon which they can not win. I do a bit of "gaming" myself and in said games there is always a chat box and in said chat box there is constant anti leftist sentiment. Hell it's probably more political than this place. Games with left wing ideology inserted into them will not sell. Simple as that. So good, let them expend their resources on a battle field they can not win, Sun Tzu would not only welcome that battle, he would goad them into it if he could.
I should clarify, I think the reason the gaming community is so anti leftist is that it is such a highly competitive domain. These people are comfortable with competition, dominance, public displays of success and failure, and meritocracy. In fact they come there specifically for those things. It's a place that is about emphasizing the differences between people and rewarding the winners at the expense of the losers. It's the most opposite thing ever to safe spaces, equality, and everyone gets a trophy.
Hell blizzard doesn't even censer their chats like AT ALL. You can rant and rave about Nazi stuff in there if you want without consequence. If you say nigger you have to do something like ni99er or something. But really I think that's about the only limit. They know their audience.