Interesting that the bitcoin (or crypto) lambo meme has some foundations in "fake" news.
I believe in this case, marketers simply used an existing trend. The foundations are based in Bitcoin created wealth rather than "fake news".
Really, I was trying to get at the question of the Lambos being planted at Consensus 2018, rather than the fact that real bitcoiners do actually buy Lambos when they are beginning to rake in the dough. Maybe also, I was joking too much, because I did realize that it would have been quite probable that some folks had invested less than $10k into crypto - even Ethereum in the single digits, and were able to ride various waves into Lambolandia.
So, yes, there could be quite an appeal to have Lambos parked at these kinds of crypto events for marketing purposes, even when it ends up that those lambos are not owned by actual conference attendees. Personally, I would not even want draw that much attention to myself, in terms of having anyone know that I was able to get the lambo through crypto rather than some other way of getting it that would not draw so much attention to me as a possible robbery target.
Good point. It's not a good idea in many areas to draw too much attention to your wealth unless you can also afford really good security. Even if I could afford the Lambo, I would rather help out my family financially. Now if I was stinkin' rich I might rent one just to drive it... ah, that's a pipe dream because that would also mean McAfee doesn't have to scarf down his wiener and beans.
On a side note, the image I posted didn't look so large on my screen when I captured it. It looks like I was yelling but that wasn't my intention.