It looks like most people here is over 40? Noone (no matter which age) that didn't start using computers until the nineties? And absolutely no millenials here?
Interesting if that were the case.
No, several old-timers here have mentioned using Macs from 1979 & Commodore 64s from 1984.
Anyone else start out on a 166mhz pentium?
I used to overclock them to 200, does that count.
It looks like most people here is over 40? Noone (no matter which age) that didn't start using computers until the nineties? And absolutely no millenials here?
Interesting if that were the case.
No, several old-timers here have mentioned using Macs from 1979 & Commodore 64s from 1984.
Anyone else start out on a 166mhz pentium?
TRS80->C64->Amiga500->Amiga4000->~100mHz Pentium
TRS80? Man that shit was expensive!
Coinbase is stopping all payment services?
And BitPay is shilling for bcash, charging high transaction fees for BTC payments even when the mempool is empty and then not providing a bitcoin address to make a payment.
No more bitcoin payments for Expedia. My hosting service is making impossible to use bitcoin.
Bitcoin use in the US is about to die.
Is anyone using Coinbase after they KYC'd?
Bitcoin use in the US is about to die.
Sick FUD, broheim.
Also, McAfee is about ~12% below dickline at present. awesome, someone made a webpage on it. Lol He probably thought he wouldn't live that long at the time. Hah, he still probably won't.
It looks like most people here is over 40? Noone (no matter which age) that didn't start using computers until the nineties? And absolutely no millenials here?
Interesting if that were the case.
No, several old-timers here have mentioned using Macs from 1979 & Commodore 64s from 1984.
Anyone else start out on a 166mhz pentium?
My first job was a point on the early n86's when chips were sx or dx (internal maths co processor)
Ofc years before I had all the same stuff mentioned here.
A spectrum that crashed if you touched the keyboard etc.
First game experience was a thing like big mac at an uncles house, it was a text driven game.
Did all those gaming sessions turn me brainy? its problem solving.
I was trying to keep my kids away from gaming too early, but now I have seen how quick they learnt to solve the puzzles. I am changing my mind.
Hand eye coordination, trying things that might work? all good eh?
386 the sx designation was for 16bit IIRC DX was 32bit. What your talking about was 486.
Is this thread still about btc or should it be moved somewhere else?
Here's a speculation question for you.
Why do people use data from pre Institution futures markets expecting that to forecast a completely different market?
And with that I give up trying to keep up with this thread again.