I remember being 5/10 minutes late for work a bunch of times & panicking about it.
I’d ratter die than go back to that kind of humiliating existence.
Me too. Been job-free for 42 years now.
I guess I'm lucky because my father was self-employed for as long as I can remember and so I wasn't brainwashed with the idea of a "regular job" since early childhood.
When I was in kindergarten I was shown watercress growing wild in a creek in what is now a drained park in Toronto. I filled a 4 quart basket with cress and stopped by at the grocery store on my way home. I asked the owner if he wanted to sell it in his store.
He tasted it, remarked on its freshness (I just picked it!), divided it into 4 bunches held together with rubber bands, and said he'd give me 5 cents for 2 bunches. I got my first arithmetic lesson when he took 2 bunches and gave me a nickel and then repeated it, telling me I had 10 cents. I promptly spent half of it on candy, 3 for a penny of this, 4 for a penny of that.
When I got home, my parents were concerned about where I got the remaining nickel and the candy. When I told them, they were so proud of me, bringing home the bacon so to speak.
Later that day I went back for more candy and learned 2 more lessons. First I learned the hard way about spending your earnings too soon. Then when I saw only 3 bunches remaining with a price of 10 cents per bunch, I realized he had paid for the whole lot with just one sale and had 3 more to go.
That was my biggest lesson... retail markup and profit.