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same feeling
from about price point $6000USD (and got it back their to rebuy) seems like someone else took over the markets
Yeah a lot of sudden downward movement in a very short period of time.
I believe that we still likely have decent buying support at $8k and $7,500; however I suspect that there would not be a lot of buying support between about $5k and $7,500 - in the event that support does not hold in the lower $8k or the mid $7ks.
In other words, I have decent doubts that $6k would hold another time once we start to get back into the $6k price territory, if such were to happen.
both fud and btc volume,
Of course, we cannot be surprised by large price drops FUD spreading because this is bitcoin.
5 sides from what i can tell , bcash, mining, media, legislation, hacks
Bcash seems to be yesterdays news and losing influence.
But there are at least a few areas besides merely taking advantage of momentum..
testing control and moving up and down
opportunity if you can get it, $2000 swings
I am a bit too chicken shit to wait for $2k increments to buy back in, so I buy back in tighter increments around $350, these days.
Belief the train has left the station
Belief the technology is on a rocket to the moon
Belief there are no more stations, all aboard
Then why the stoppage?
This may be a shaking of the ICO and altcoin parasites as Marcus Augustus mentioned a few weeks ago. There may be a more decent market incentive to shake some the altcoin and ICO trash.