You think you have problems. I installed a bitcoin ticker on the wifes phone a few days ago. She rushed in the door about an hour ago screaming wtf is going on
My gf does it all the time too....’Bitcoin is obviously over, let’s sell everything now’ ..... ‘We should have bought that house for xxxxx outright with no mortgage when it was over $19,000 each’
Fucking women....I tell her to STFU & relax because I know bitcoin will make a lot of us here very wealthy.
I remember telling my GF when Bitcoin hit $100 for the very first time,we watched it live on the computer as it happened - an exciting day for everyone for sure, especially as I bought most of them for $15, then $20 and later $50. The first thing she suggested that I sell them all to take the profit. LOL
O.k. And that would have been about early 2013. What did you do, and what have you been doing the past 5 years?
There have been a lot of dips, lots of opportunities to sell and to rebuy and to either make or lose money. What has been your approach? How many times have you been tricked out of your coins in the past 5 years?
I first got around to buying Bitcoin in August 2012 because I wanted shares in Asicminer, since then it's been a bit of a wild ride.
Asicminer share trading was shut down for a long time due to it being an 'illegal security' but it came back and they made good on everything they promised. It took a while, can't remember how long.
I got badly goxxed and am still caught up in the MtGox saga as a creditor.
It looks like we will most probably eventually get our share of the coins which are left due to the recent civil rehabilitation developments. For those who don't know - civil rehabilitation was not rejected which is a major step towards it happening, it was rejected a few years back.
I often dabbled with different altcoins, but I've spent several years where I didn't touch crypto at all.
I cashed a bunch out years back as well - more than I ever put in....
Thanks for overviewing some of your background motivations and experiences.
Sometimes retrospect can be 20/20, and there are a lot of folks who say, we should have done x, y or z - but surely the better plans are to attempt to figure out something that works and to tweak along the way. As an example, currently, the we should have sold at $20k is a bit tiring and also a factor that should NOT be causing reasonable BTC hodlers to sell now, even though it could be a consideration for how to approach future price movements.
Regarding GOX: Even though I had already started buying BTC before the 2/2014 Gox shutdown, I don't think that I gave it a lot of significance at the time that it happened - even though it was a really BIG losing of coins for the overall space, and moreso for the various individuals who may have had decent portions of their own stash in that one location.
I think in retrospect, I am coming to realize that the GOX event was more significant than my then attributions of it. Further, I do understand that any GOXing or otherwise feeling screwed over by some narrow set of events- including some folks who may have gotten hacked or made some presumptuous but losing margin bets, these kinds of events may cause the taking of a lesser position in the space.. and then 20/20 wished that they would have taken a stronger position.
Overall, we can learn from our experiences, even if negative, and having to decide how to proceed from here... not getting discouraged by some of our historical bad happenings, which we are all likely to have, especially the longer that we are involved the space.