It's VERY POSSIBLE we hang out to the side for a while BEFORE actually fulfilling the EVENTS shown with WHITE text bubbles. If it did this (which I've seen before) it would be a mixture of Accumulation Schematic #1 and #2.
As I've said in a previous post: I've found - When comparing Wyckoff Accumulation Schematics to crypto currency pairs AFTER a major consolidation event - the highs of the Automatic Rallies in Phase A are hardly ever near the same level as the highs of automatic rallies in phase B. So, do NOT assume Phase A "highs" on crypto currency charts MUST look the same or similar to that which is seen in a Wyckoff Accumulation Schematic. That schematic is ONLY an example and by no means implies the price action MUST play out EXACTLY as depicted in the Schematic.
+1 WOsMerit
Nice info in your post. I agree with what you are saying for the most part. The data I am looking at agrees. Here is the most recent look.
Resistance is still in the 9.3k range but if that is breached it looks like clear sailing to 9.5k. Volume has decreased as Bulls appear undecided.
not the point
nobody wants fucking fiat ffs
I feel you..I would have done done things differently but whats done is done and I do not believe it was done with ill intent. Everything that I have seen tells me that it might have been a good thing in the long run.
Here's the thing, where I come from it was Blindman's Bluff. We would never have played Buff. It makes no sense in my language unless I'm holding a shine rag to one of V8's personal automobiles, or his shoes.
Or Russian roulette..I agree. I think there were reasons..but will we ever know? Doubt it.
I browsed like the 1st few pages of this thread just for shits and giggles.
holy crap!! all these heros and legends I've never seen before.
small wonder.
they are all long since millionaires by now and don't waste their time here anymore... lol
This forum has more interesting topics about bitcoin and every other subject really that you can imagine. Its what drew me here in the first place. Digging back through the pages where legends walked is inspiring for me.
It’s just the little people left now.
Cheer up Hairy..its not all that bad is it?
What could have motivated such a decision? Carnage?
I'm guessing Hanlon's razor in a big way. Or possibly Heinlein's Razor if you want to get conspiratorial.
+1 WOsMerit