In order to have a proper structured conversation about climate change or 9-11 or Sandy Hook or the Florida shooting is gonna take hours. Sorry dude I don’t have hours right now.
Even a small topic like why there is an NRA backed ban on research into gun violence would take a long time to do properly, even though on its face it’s a ridiculous law.
They are all ridiculous laws and events invented to create division (over regulate the population and create so much change that they give up and go with the narrative )
dismiss it all and make your own mind up on how it goes
don't let fake ass scientists, doctors, politicians, professors, geniuses tell it how it is.
what would you do if all you had was the environment to survive (like we did for 10's of thousands of years)
regardless of the environment you are in
learn to SURVIVE!!!
every job is fake except
food/water, shelter, health and education
if we are to survive we must focus on the right jobs.....(idealist sentiment should shoot myself in the head)