It hasn't hit me yet.
Making it official with a select group tomorrow, then telling my direct manager on Friday.
I can't believe I actually pulled this plan off...
I retired on 1/14/ a bit more than a month, the 1st month was pretty mess from crypto mining (my income stream now) HODL mode...too much time in pajamas on bitcointalk.....had time to make a couple killing on stuff in that I don't work....(garlicoin) and some other stuff....
still somewhat befuddled however...and I feel like I am a 6-year-old who just got done looking at a playboy....feel kinda dirty...and have no idea context...
same thing, not working..I wake up everyday feeling like I'm gonna miss an appointment or need to be someplace..what is it 'phantom work syndrome?"
some kinda PTSD as a former 'worker ant' I guess
anyway, spend a lot more time looking at house procrastinating projects (painting/fix plumbing/etc) that seems to be a constant from when I had a job that has not changed....
but it is weird, you will find that out for sure...