I ain't 'playing victim'. There is a wide gulf from permissionless innovation that you don't happen to care for, and outright lying in order to besmirch character.
I understood the first sentence, but I couldn't make sense of the second. Care to explain?
Certainly. MoA stated that I engaged in spamming in order to cripple Bitcoin Segwit. Of course, I have done nothing of the sort. As might be deduced from the fact that MoA was unable to provide a single shred of evidence for such an accusation. Ergo,
MoA was lying. Likely in order to besmirch my character.
how about this ... just piss off you duplicitous tosser? This is no longer 'your' bitcoin after you have now pitched your tent at the Bcash shit-show circus along with Peter_R, the other daft thinkers and outright sociopath control freaks ... why do you really keep slinking back around here, to preach to us the error of segwit ways and straying from the One True Vision of Satoshi?? it's really kind of stalky and a bit creepy.
"besmirch your character"
it's an anonymous internet forum you plonker, who cares about your non-existent character?
.... and after all that I didn't say YOU specifically engaged in spamming just that you were from the cohort of Bcash idiots that were cheering on, encouraging and engaging in a myriad of despicable attacks on bitcoin, including spamming, to pump their shitcoin Bcash.
The amount of half-truths, lies, misinformation-spreading, slander and personal attacks against people in real life the deluded 'hard-fork now!' cultists have engaged in is disgusting, maybe heal thyself physician? Or are you just projecting the worst traits of your Bcash partners elsewhere to ease your conscience?
My conscience is clear. And your impotent railing at me is silly. You seem to be playing group identity politics here. If you want to call out some behavior of mine, then do so. But I am responsible only for myself. You cannot legitimately blame me for the actions of others. Our western systems of justice threw out that illegitimate anachronism centuries ago. Asshole.
Incidentally, this is indeed 'my' Bitcoin to the full extent that it is 'your' Bitcoin. I might suggest you ponder upon the meanings of the words 'permissionless' and 'uncensorable'. Nincompoop.