Whoever is selling, thank you for the cheap coins. Appreciated as always!
Hear This Many times and Many of us thinking the same , but what When fiat runs out and theres No more fiat to buy any?? At that circumstances those can Just hope to go back up ?
Central banks are printing hundreds of billions every month. If you don't get any of those newly printed fiat money then bitcoin is not for you! You probably have much bigger trouble than current bitcoin price correction?
Mmmm in here you do not understand me very good .... i for myself have plenty of BTC and bought @this times but there are Many amount us that are neckdeep in for sure whitout any fiat left ..... for myself i also have bought all standing fiat on Exchanges in BTC
I don't think that anyone can fault you for running out of fiat on the exchanges because sometimes it can be difficult to judge exactly, even while there is kind of a need to continue to attempt to prepare for worse case scenarios.
In the past I have been guilty of running out of money on exchanges and having to juggle things around, yet some of this preparation has gotten easier, especially when we had experienced such exorbitant price rises, including a 7.5x price rise from August to December (that was from about $2,600 to $19,666). I kind of forced myself to restructure my whole order book around $15k - because previously, I had attempted to prepare for at least a 50% retracement yet when we approach 35% or even 40%, we can start to get nervous that preparation for 50% is not enough, and also we know that BTC has suffered a few corrections that approach the 90% levels.
Personally, i am thinking that 60% is about the deepest of this retracement, which would be around $7,800 - but yeah the longer it goes on and the closer it gets can bring doubt on that kind of thinking.. and hopes that there is sufficient buying support that will push the price back up, once we might get some kind of last ditch effort to spike the price down.
Surely, up is better than down.. but if we are getting lemons, then we just gotta make ourselves some lemonaide out of the situation, no?