Good night bitcoin land!
Wow, i feel i need to quote my last post, turns out that my feeling was right....
i read very many times bad words for peoples opinion and almost never a good word when our predictions are right....
i wonder why......
I just double quoted myself. not want to say more than: i told you so...yet, i nothing had back like a simple thank you....
more easy for people to write stupid things like close your mouth etc etc...
I will not say anything more. i registered here and speak from time to time many years before and i support bitcoin since the early days.
I want to wish good luck to everybody.Remember 1 Btc is NOTHING, 1 BTC worth also nothing, the reason of worthing anything is me you and everyone else... keep that in mind, not the wall street boys bot the goverments not aliens lol
again good luck and do not invest more than you are ready to lose forever...