well apparently he won you as one , eh?
It's a good strategy when you have groups of people attempting to act as "white people stalkers" to follow them around and act as parasites on them. Whites and asians seem to build the best civilizations, while most people regard white women as looking the best. So the monkeys try to get into the white civilization to displace the white inhabitants and take their stuff + women. You would need to be a super cuckold to want that to happen, so it seems like a good idea calling them monkeys to let them know they're not wanted to keep them out.
Keep posting - it's actually refreshing to see comments like yours, since they are removed from facebook or twitter for being "hate speech", while the radical left advocates for violence against groups they don't like by playing victim.
r0ach - 1 Twitter - 0
I mean, just who do you think was running all those pepe frog accounts on Twitter that got Trump elected and were blamed on Russia?