TA's are for gamblers.
Tomorrow if Rating go A/B - Futures on 26th will go for BULL - and next month we will see max BULL
Rating go C - slow downtrend
Rating D/E - we go down hard - futures go BEAR and next month we drop to 3-5k - still good opoortunity next month for next futures
Any stupid ta's won't give you anything. THere are TONS of Bear (h&s, double bottom, etc.) and Bull (still uptrend etc., correction etc..)
In my opinion Rating will go C/D - to make price go lower and kill all new/small comers, make some Hodlers sell low - and then when no one will want to buy - when all people will panic sell, bear etc.
Then Whales will buy, good news come, futures come in, ratings and all this shit - and it will moon
BUT... by then whales will want to overthrone BTC with Etherum first then Ripple
FUNNY THAT NO ONE KNOWS - why it is RIPPLE name = RIP + PPL (people) - E - easy
So even if it drops hard- if btc will maintain dominance while dropping - around 40 when low - it will BOOM haard - and I mean hard (300% in few days) but that is what people should look for not TA (there are tons of sponsored, fake, bad etc ta's - it is PURE gamble)
Next days/weeks it will be battle GREED vs POWER - jews vs jews - Both of them want to destroy Bitcoin - but they all want money - easy money is when BTC goes up. Power is when BTC goes down.
What do you think about this?