This so-called "#metoo" movement is hilarious and shows how horrible of prostitutes western women are. Every single male in the world with over $2 in their pocket now has 50 women claiming they were raped by them. Take this James Franco guy for instance. Here's one of this guy's accusers, "Violet Paley". It's some type of B-movie actress, and what was this prostitute doing in the year 2012? Starting a gofundme page asking random strangers on the internet to give her $50,000 for no reason LOL: who does shit like that is scum but women don't even care how it makes them look because the mind of a woman is literally the mind of a prostitute. They believe men are supposed to provide for them, and if they do not have some type of fool giving them stuff on hand, or if nobody will marry them, their next course of action is ALWAYS to lobby for the govt to act as a replacement provider (which really just means the unwilling sum of all men should be forced to), and if that fails, it's time to try and extort someone like that guy.
We're going to have to abolish all forms of women's rights because they will vote for socialism 100% of the time, and if they can't get socialism from the govt or by finding some idiot to marry them, they will attempt to abuse the legal system to the max to try to find other ways to force men to give them money.
And what does this have to crypto again?
Unless they are accept crypto currency on their go fund me accounts or something.
Maybe there will be a coin named after the meetoo movement soon. LOL!
Don't tell women how many bitcoin you have is what it has to do with anything.
Well you know what they are all about in the first place, don't you?
Just like what Sloan Stevens said in the press conference about the picture of her right after she received the check for winning the U.S Open late last year.
The grand prize was the grand answer that she gave.
That is how all women feel and think of, no matter what they say inregards to it.
That is towards money and especially crypto nowadays since all they see is "10,000% worth more than just 2 years prior!".
They don't care about how it got there or the logistics of it all to get it created and spread across the globe.
Pfft... women.
If their were no men they would be still living in huts with no buildings are road.
No technology=no internet
Well maybe if there was a mutation called "a man" created all the sudden.