Yes, fuckem. Due to the bell curve, the only groups on earth that can really economically compete are whites and asians. Jews can as well, as evidenced by all their scams and fraud, but they're more of an evil cult of mixed origin than an actual race. Since most other groups besides whites and asians can't economically compete or build functional civilizations themselves, if you allow most other groups into your country, they will do one of two things:
1) Attempt to form special interest groups for their own benefit that advocates stealing from people and redistributing it to themselves (communism/socialism/etc) and then everything implodes anyway
2) Attempt to physically attack people to steal from them because those other groups can invent things like refrigerators and cars and they can't
The only solution is segregation. Whites and asians have to have their own homogeneous countries and everyone else has their own homogeneous countries as well, then 70 IQ Somalians only have to worry about competing with each other and not...Bill Gates. And whites or asians derive zero benefit from admitting these people into their countries in the first place, just liabilities.
"70 IQ Somalians" lol
Is that a shithole country?
Everybody knows shithole countries do not exist.