By any rational standard, an organism that is incapable of reproducing has failed natural selection and is a genetic error...
I would invite you to look into research on homosexuality in simian populations - the non-reproducing members contribute to the group in other ways, such as helping raise the young within the tribe, and resource gathering.
things like "SJW-ism" and liberalism - cancer cells attempting to attack the functional cells.
No argument with you there. Fuck everything about SJW-ism and liberalism.
That doesn't really counter my original point that if the super gay monkeys are not passing on their genetic material, in terms of evolution, everything they do in life is kind of null and void since they are not passing on those traits. It's not an insult to any particular group since it affects everyone, but if you are not passing on any genetic traits, you're a one-off or "error" in other words. Humans are biologically K-selection apex predators, so the idea that they would purposelly invest massive time and resources on evolutionary dead ends is obviously invalid.
Things like lesbians have to be genetic errors in K-selection in other words. They would go extinct overnight if lesbianism was not considered an error in K-selection. Things like lesbianism can only exist or thrive in R-selection populations. In K-selection, nobody can be dead weight. In terms of genetic evolution, non-reproducing K-selection members are either errors, dead weight, or have failed the natural selection process from some other deficiency. K-selection groups do not produce disposable cannon fodder worker ants, that's the definition of R-selection.
You could also make the case that some groups of humans actually do operate in R-selection mode by looking at birth rates of places like Africa, India, Mexico, etc. If left unchecked, they will eventually flood into the K-selection territories, overwhelm their land and resources, and cause the K-selection groups to go extinct unless they wage war against them or build a wall around them. Until Trump was elected, the entire political climate was K-selection Jews waging war against other K-selection groups like whites through subterfuge. Now it has shifted to building a wall around R-selection populations which is the most humane solution in reality unless the R's want to die instead.