Bitcoin goes down while the least suspected alts go up. What surprise? Start with FOMO, end with FUD, and repeat.
But really, the whole price psychology has little effect on hodlers who are in it because they believe in what it will become. We're still in infancy I think where whales are able to move markets at whim. Competition will come and coins will eventually distribute. This is neither the last or the greatest bull run or bear market BTC will see before we arrive at adoption. I'm not even counting on a return to $'s but a value once the petrol dollar finally goes tits up and coin value is based on real world use. That's the dream, right guyz?
On the one hand, I agree with you, but on the other hand, who fucking cares?
a bit of a contradiction there.
Before you get your panties in a ruffle, Icygreen, let me back up my premise with we would need to have fucking well over $100 trillion BTC market cap before what you are saying makes sense.
That is about a 400x price increase from our current status.
Sure it could happen, but we have a long fucking way to get there.
We had a 78x increase in the past 2years, and yeah, that is all fine and dandy - but we are not quite yet sustained at that 78x increase because we have a bit of a dip here.
Maybe what I am saying that there is not really a problem to keep that kind of end goal in mind, but we are a long fucking way from getting there and we should be attempting to enjoy the journey along the way... and also there is likely to be a lot more ups and downs and ups and downs before we squeeze another 400x plus price appreciation out of this bad boy, no?
Sure, it is possible that such 400x plus price appreciation is closer than I think and I am being too much of a negative Nancy, but I do think that we should be attempting to deal with more of the here and now (and does not hurt to have those BIGGER pictures in the back of our head), but the here and now.. .. is a long way from the aspiration that you paint, no?
Appreciate the thoughts. Sure, we could be a long way off still but what's "long" 2 years, 3 or are we talking 20 years? Doubtful the latter.
Since I'm not as early in the adoption curve as many here, I still consider myself in the accumulation phase. I'm quite happy with my meager hodlings and selling is off the table almost completely at this time for me. It always looks like a fine idea in hindsight. Perhaps I'll join your trading trading strategy after another 20X and if that day never comes, well, I gave it my best for something I believed would change the world for the better. For the earlies here who have "fuck you money" ya, who cares? Take your earnings and enjoy some life.
Enjoying life has always been my priority #1 , well before money and I know if the money slows or stops, I'll be just fine.
On that note, I've gotta go kitesurfing, getting windy!