And, look your numbers don't even line up....
McAfee seems to be an attention whore.. because he started out with a prediction of $500k and then he moved to a prediction of $1million.
That is just outrageous to expect either of those numbers.. and seems like less than a 5% chance that we would reach $500k by 2020 ...and probably less than a 2% chance to reach $1million by then. Am I bonkers, or is Ms. McFee bonkers? (btw.. don't answer that last question it is just rhetorical)
Unless we are working constantly with micro Bitcoins I cannot see adoption to be that interesting to the average person beyond $100,000.00.
Heck the way the prices are now I wouldn't be able to afford a single BTC without making huge sacrifices or saving up for months, by which time I would only be able to afford probably a fraction of a BTC if prices keep rising.
I think McAfee's predictions are far too high. $50,000.00 end of 2020 would be impressive alone. let alone a factor 10x or 20x higher.