Well the master set is crypto
The largest player is BTC.
JJG does not accept the proper definitions.
You can masterbate over your wet dream of a supposed "master set" all that you like, and maybe that will help you to understand
what might be going on a wee bit moar better.
Yet, I am losing faith in your abilities to figure out what happens to be different about bitcoin and/or where bitcoin fits in the whole scheme of things, when you make lame and even dumb comments like that.
Repeat after me:
NDo you know what is bitcoin?
Do you know where you are?
Snap out of it, Phil - if such a thing is even possible.
Is it possible?
yes it is.
Do you know what is "crypto"?
When someone says, "you should get yourself some crypto." Do you know what they are talking about?
Likely you do not know what the fuck they are talking about, even if you try to act like you are intelligent and you proclaim that the speaker is merely talking about the BIGGER category. So that person is smart.. blah blah blah.. and it's like the thing that underlies it all, aka blockchain.. remember that dumb and vague shit from years past?
And, by the way, it not a "JJG's thing," either...
A lot of people (maybe not you) realize that they should attempt to clarify what they are talking about instead of using vague and misleading language in order to try to show that they are smart, or to be specific and not be misleading with what they are talking about and with the words that they choose to use, and if they are talking about bitcoin, then they should use the word, "bitcoin" instead of talking in vague and likely to be misleading gobblle-dee-gook.
If they are talking about something else, then sure they might be able to use the word "crypto," or some other vague description to the extent that the thing that they are talking about matters, and still be understood, as long as they specify what it is they are talking about rather than speaking in vague, meaningless, gobble-dee-gook..
or should we call it
master-set gobble-dee-gook in order to make uie-pooie feel more happier?
I come to the wall observer and instead of talking about the subject the subject of the thread, which happens to be bitcoin (and dollars), I would like to talk about master-set gobble-dee-gook.. which is also known as crypto..
I would like to say that "crypto" is in a BIGGER category than merely talking about dee cornz, king daddy, honey badger, my lil precious, etc,, and I am smart because I talk in BIGger categories rather than restricing myself towards being specific in my descriptions... and by the way, my name is Phil, and I am reluctant to use the word "bitcoin" so I still find a ways to talk about bitcoin without using that particular word, so instead I use the word "crypto." Don't I seem smartie?
Yeah phil.. you sound like a smart retard.
Instead of trying to sound smarter than everyone else and ending up like a smart retard.
Repeat after me:
You feeling MOAR better now?
You got those lame/vague/amorphous/meaningless "master-set" ideas out of your noggen, yet?
When in doubt, just remember the word B I T C O I N.
Feeling better now, phil?