Not sure why everybody moans about BCH, it’s obviously not going to make it long term but it’s free money & some of us are/were very happy Roger & Jihan have pumped it.
I’m not happy because I already sold it all ! It’s ok I still have all my Bgold and it’s coming along nicely. Not even thinking about Bdiamond.
It has to say something about Bitcoin that on top of its astronomical rising value, a spin off, that was
given away for free,just for holding Bitcoin,can now sell for around $1500 .
(not to mention all the other smaller
shitcoins players I wont mention)
And now the latest giveaway, airdrop, fork (wtf ya wanna call it) tokens, coins ,crypto (wtf you wanna call em)
are going for around $400 a pop. Now another two in the wings... (not to be named) WTF??
Its one thing to say this is getting ridiculous,scam, yada yada, and who wouldnt agree?
But these things are trading for real money, ferchrissakes! baffling I say..just baffling....
Can you imagine what would happen if Joe Public knew (or even believed FTM)
about all this free money sloshing around in the Bitcoin theater?
Me neither.....
jayzus, I love my