Dont worry, we have Segwit
Unconfirmed transactions are just spam, produced by malicious agents with evil intentions in search of power. No real adoption.
Anyway, soon we will have Lightning Network, and Joe will only have to buy Lightning Coins to participate in the "great revolution". The great revolution of the fractional reserve banking 2.0.
And if you think it is not enough, all this with the sponsorship of blocks of 1MB FOREVER! We will have the most decentralized network and nodes in raspberry pi.
So, leave your stupidities and think big!
PS: Seriously, I love the 5000s
Congratulations to all!
Why do you bother, just repeating all the lies.
There is lots of spam in the mempool you can see the transactions, look at what they contain.
There is no such thing as lightning coins, and it won't support fractional reservere.
Most Core Devs believe that the block size will increase when its actually necessary.
The more people who run a node the better, strength of the network comes from everyone having a stake and not just relying on miners to protect us.
These are not even points for debate, your statements are just lies.
Many of us may think we know what's best for Bitcoin, but that doesn't mean we're right... Bitcoin has proved itself over the years, its heart beating steadily every 10 minutes since it was born. That's not an easy thing to achieve when you are being attacked constantly 24/7. We must put our trust on experienced coders that have a history of successes in this field, and not some guys like Jihan Wu, Roger Ver, and the likes of them. Any change in code, even a single line or a character, can cause a collapse if the coders don't deeply understand what they're doing.
About the block size, yes, it will increase. Yes, as technology improves, and network speed and storage space increase, it may eventually become much larger than 1 MB. But it should happen in a well planned, carefully controlled and surgically precise manner. Bitcoin has given us so much over the years, and it appears the train is advancing at full speed. Let's keep it that way...