The cat is out of the bag, with respect to blockchain tech. Bitcoin on the other hand? I wouldn't be so sure yet.
It's not possible to create a decentralized cryptocurrency, only ones that increasingly centralize over time. This means none of this garbage has any fundamentals and the only byproduct of this entire sector will be federated chains, aka the ones govt and corporations will use to try and enslave you. Some people on these forums are genuinely stupid and haven't figured this out, but many know this is true yet still promote bitcoin to try and defraud other random bums for pump and dump profits while spamming fictional Andreas Antonopolous bumper sticker slogans.
You could be correct that in the long trajectory, any decentralized system of crypto currency will become coopted - however, in the meantime, that is not the situation, and who gives a ratt's ass what happens 500 years from now. We chose our investment and support based on the present situation, rather than some speculative situation that has not yet come to pass.
In the mean time, we have bitcoin, which is a new paradigm that has the potential to surplant all previous systems - and right now, bitcoin is a small fucking entity that has a lot of upside potential in this regard, in the short term(1-5 years) medium term 10-20 years and longer term (50+ years). If factors change, then we can adjust, but none of us know exactly how all of this is going to evolve and the level to which governments and/or financial institutions and/or other factors are going to infiltrate bitcoin and cause various abilities to change it and control it... at the moment it is proving to be amongst the most decentralized and powerful institutions (if we call it that) ever built... and we should treat it according to what it actually is and has the potential to be and don't be misguided into some scenario that is currently not what we got. Am I not correct?