You would think after almost three years of being involved in the cryptocurrency sphere, that I would know how to trade. But I still am quite clueless. I thought I did well yesterday. I managed to put of few trades together, where I sold higher and then would buy back lower. I didn't catch the absolute crests and troughs, but I did OK with the little bit that I was moving around. I then bought back last night, and left it at that, so I could sleep well at night with a few more satoshis than I had 24 hours ago. This morning, just before work, I saw the market shoot up from a low of almost 2800 USD to a little above $3300. I thought, surely this must be near the peak, so I sold a little bit of my BTC. Now it appears the rally has continued and I find myself stuck with a fiat balance on Gdax. I know that it is recommended not to seek trading advise in this space. However, I really am clueless what to do. Any recommendations? Here are my options.
1) Keep the fiat balance on GDAX, so that I can continue to play around with the market at my leisure, and have both a BTC balance and a fiat balance.
2) Transfer fiat to Paypal and pay off the credit card balance that I have for them. (Coinbase charges a big fee to do this though, and I could probably pay off my balance outright with fiat I already have in the bank anyway.)
3) Buy back your BTC, use this as perfect example that I suck at trading and transfer all my BTC back to cold storage so I can HODL.
Thanks in advance for the advice.