I don't. Call me bearish, but I think we've just seen the double top.
What would continue to drive the market up higher from here? Serious question.
short term: allaying these doubts - https://medium.com/@jimmysong/pathological-bip91-uasf-scenarios-102e2707991c
Aug 1st Jihan forks off or not?
short/medium: then pricing in this - 2017 August 23 or thereabouts — Difficulty Adjustment Period closes and BIP141 (Segwit) is active. https://medium.com/@jimmysong/uasf-segwit2x-scenarios-and-timelines-1a540336c4be
segwit/tier 2 being shown to have some goddam use
medium: 2017 November 18 or thereabouts — 2x Hard Fork (scheduled). ditto source
long: more attempts at big blocks cf minute 40 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W4Kcvi6eWT0&feature=em-lbcastemail Belshe/Corallo talks...
edit: found the twitter convo https://twitter.com/TheBlueMatt/status/886979645438078981
delays scaling debate for another year? then finally moonshot?