Bitcoin does NOT remove the middleman, only physical commodity based currencies like metals do.
r0ach, you're kinda insulting everyone's intelligence here. You know darn well that you cannot transact among hundreds of thousands, millions of employees, employers, goods producers, suppliers, service providers, merchants, shippers, corporations, nations, etc. without a middleman or middle-service/network of some kind. At the speed/throughput needed for the world's current daily transactions (50-100k/second), peer-to-peer / face-to-face metals transactions would be impossible and unworkable.
Metals are great for wealth preservation and face-to-face snail trade, and some industry usage, but nothing more. Or a fall back SHTF face-to-face barter system if the world goes to complete hell. Even in that scenario, the world would eventually rebuild a new world currency (perhaps backed by metals? who knows) but I'm pretty sure that it would be digital moving forward.