To make things even worse, when they pull the plug on BTC + alts, they let everything implode while putting up giant support walls on Ethereum so that each market implosion always has Ethereum gaining ground in market share compared to bitcoin and all other alts. Vitalik should be public enemy #1 for helping the bankers attempt to take over cryptocurrency.
r0ach, I may not agree with everything you posit, but this post is pretty much in line with what I have observed as well. There have been multiple attempts to undermine Bitcoin this year, whether it has been the undermine-confidence attacks from the BU/Roger Ver/Jihan Wu/Craig Wright crowd, or the divide-dilute-and-conquer attacks with the "shitcoin flippening" this year. Pumping ETH and ICOs has been the most insidious and ridiculous thing I've ever seen. And of course it worked on some of the weak-minded, because they are sheep driven only by greed, and not by critical thinking and common sense.
All of it has been by design by nefarious actors that want a) more control of the crypto ecosystem b) to win over hearts and minds of the users, and c) extract the most money through more control.
This is dangerous and Bitcoiners should be ever more vigilant in pushing back against these attacks.
As for me, I don't really give a shit. I was dumping bitcoins for silver as fast as possible from $2700 to $2500 because no cryptocurrency created thus far (and probably ever) actually improves upon metals in any way besides how fast you can dump them.
Well that is your opinion and your prerogative about Bitcoin. I happen to not agree, I don't believe that Bitcoin is trying to 'out do' or compete directly with metals. It's just a different form of the same type of thing, a digital fallback or out against the corruption of the global fiat regime. I still see Bitcoin and metals as complimentary.
Incidentally though, I did see an interim top around ~$2700, and after 4 patient years of holding and waiting to take some advantage, I bought some metals too. Especially now when the banking cabal is trying to squash metals into the ground so that Average Joes have apathy toward metals, and even long time bugs are exhausted and starting to give up on them.
But if I didn't have either one, I'd buy some bitcoin first. I still believe that long term Bitcoin will outperform metals by a large degree. The world is digital and interconnected now, and I don't see that ever changing.
I feel that the global ruling elite are starting to get desperate, and when the inevitable crash and global reset finally comes, they don't want anyone other than themselves (the top 1%) to have any true wealth as a backstop for the reset, only debt. That way they can start the game all over again with themselves at the top and once again in control.