If the "Powers that be" can and do on a regular basis as you put it, crash the price of gold/silver, then how are any investments in gold or silver a proper store of value?
They play Keynesianism in the commodities market and naked short metals down trying to cap them at like 5-10% above cost of production. This means they're usually a good buy in general since you're getting them practically at cost, with the price being almost entirely a derivative of oil. Oil EROI is currently collapsing, which will soon collapse the ability to manipulate metals.
As for bitcoin, bitcoin cost of production is floating - recursive based on it's own demand. Bankers don't naked short metals below cost of production because it's counterintuitive and would create enormous scarcity. It would also bankrupt miners, creating even more scarcity, so they try to rig it right above production cost.
However, if bankers ever want to naked short bitcoin, it's VERY productive since they can easily play a war of attrition and literally delete any price floor which they cannot do in metals. Metals actually have a cost of production price floor and bitcoin doesn't. They can drag the bitcoin cost of production floor down from $10,000 each all the way to $1 if they want to. That's something you can never do in metals. The only thing that could stop them from doing so in bitcoin is if it became the unit of account of something, but since like I said, it doesn't function as a store of value having no price floor, it's unlikely to happen when better alternatives like metals exist that actually can function as a store of value.
Am I wrong or to store $1Mill in silver one would need almost 2.000KG of silver?
Weight is irrelevant in current state. It just means you will make more money when the GSR collapses closer to historical levels (15:1) when their Comex rigging blows up. It's like claiming, "o god, buying 100 pounds of gold is too heavy for $10 an ounce". No, nothing is too heavy if you get a good deal on it.