Gonna place this prediction here for sake of posterity to look back in a few years:
and now we have sound money with blockchains, so goodbye gold/silver.
This will be the dumbest comment you ever make in your life. Bitcoin is nothing more than
a linked list with a get rich quick ponzi scheme built on top of it via halvings. Calling that sound money is a real knee slapper. If any random fool can create a linked list with a get rich quick scheme built on top of it in their basement, how is it "sound money"? It's not.
The whole thing is a giant rough consensus attack with no Schelling point. It is NOT solved by "network effect" either due to bitcoin inherently being a highly scalability constrained system from being multiple redundancy and storing everything forever. Fees will skyrocket and people will move to the next thing rather than face extreme usury. If everything goes off-chain instead to try and mitigate the fees, it would be no different from the current US dollar. Yea, you can try and drop the blockchain to lower redundancy and increase scalability like Fuserleer is doing with Emunie, but then it becomes even less sound money.
This is not like the Cambrian explosion of evolution where a lot of new things appear then it drops off. People will continuously create hundreds of these things every year to try and scam money from people as long as there's profit in it until the whole system just dilutes to nothingness and collapses. There will be a million digital scamcoins but still only one gold and silver. The alternative would be the state forcing draconian legislation on creation of cryptocurrency + running mining pools, etc, but at that point it will be a completely centralized "government coin" with no purpose to exist in the first place. In the end, most people working on cryptocurrency are just doing free labor R&D for the US govt and international banking cartel.
Roach, do you or you don't have any Bitcoins RIGHT NOW?
I am thinking about going to a gold/silver forum and troll them talking all the time about how Bitcoin is way superior to their stupid metals. It will be a way easier task than what you are doing here because the huge profits Bitcoin is giving atm in comparison to PM's would be on my side.
On second thought, I won't do it because:
A) I give a fucking shit about anything I am not already invested in.
B) I don't think it has no point doing it, and I assume most people invested in PM's are already well diversified and probably also have some Bitcoins already.
C) Maybe some day I will also buy some of those shiny metals even if just for contemplating another thing I were able to buy with my Bitcoins. Heck, I even already bought a TEN TRILLION (Zimbawean) DOLLARS note just for fun, so why not!
Again, do you even
lift have any BTC?