They act like that wouldn't be true, but we all know it would.
So apparently for them, every time the block size limit is reached, the solution is simply another 2MB increase. On and on, until mining centralization by like one person with a total hardware & hashpower monopoly is complete.
Well FU, BU.
So you're cool with destroying decentralized mining, so the block size can be raised ad infinitum to support the "mainstream". Got it.
Which btw, bitcoin users are certainly not "mainstream". Those are called "fiat users". Bitcoin users use bitcoin for different reasons entirely than the mainstream, one of them being decentralization.
Resources exist and have costs.
Since you can't seem to figure it out on your own, I'll give you a hint.
When you increase the amount of resources required to accomplish something, less people are able to accomplish it. I'll let you figure out how that affects decentralization.
It's only the people with the cheapest electricity that make the most money. They are the miners
Hardware has almost nothing to do with full nodes because of the 1MB blocksize. If it were more, then I don't know if that would be the case.
I am talking about hardware to run a node and you are talking about mining. Not the same.
To cast my vote on every block and not allow Jihadi-sons-of-bitches destroy things without my consent? Is that good enough?